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Dragon II > Guides





Unlocked Level:Lv.40 unlocked

Click “abyss”in the single dungeon to enter the interface.

Game Info:

There are 20 stages in a chapter and player reaches level to unlock the corresponding chapter. The higher the level is the more stages can be challenged and the higher the stage is the more rewards the player can get. The killing rewards can be awarded by killing the small monsters and BOSS. The player will get different rewards according to the points of the dungeon clearing.

Abyss-Main interface

Battle Info:

Each stage has 15 rounds monsters and the monsters are divided in to normal small monsters and BOSS stages and the BOSS stage can skip. The HP of the character and heroes can save in the battle and can revive once for free in the battle. The higher the VIP level is the more revival times the player can buy. The player can use sycee/ golden cash to revive after reaching a certain VIP level and the skill CD will be reset after reviving.

The rounds of battle are the total of every battle and total battle rounds will be judged after battling.



Abyss-Killing Reward